James Clark


Trips and Visits – Home and Away!, Summer Concert and Art Exhibition, New Staff – September 2024, Start of Term Arrangements
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Pastoral Teams from September 2024, Staff Leaving, End of Term Arrangements, Start of Term Arrangements
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Allergies, Year 10 Celebration Evening/Prefect Presentation, Year 11 Prom, End of Term Arrangements
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Handover – Year 7 to Year 8, Key Stage 3 District Athletics, Resource Base visit to Hylands Park
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Stories to Share, Summer Concert, Change to break time
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Road Safety, Year 9 Celebration Event, Year 12 UCAS Fair, Examinations
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Message from the Castle Point & Rochford Community Policing Team, Coming Up…., Celebration Evenings
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Contacting Us, Safety in the Community, Fundraising from the London Marathon
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Online Safety, Sextortion, Smartphones, Coming Soon, Exams – Good Luck
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