William (Y8) has been working hard to learn LUA and Python, reaching an A-level equivalent in Python, and has created his own Roblox game, Void Destroyers, designing, building, and coding everything himself. His skills impressed the CEO and Board of Aventum Group Ltd, who have promised him a future tech team role, and his work has also been recognized by the Enlightened Christmas lights event team on Instagram.
If you have any stories and/or photos that you would like to share, please contact us at pupilservices@sweynepark.com
Next week, the Caterlink menu will be ‘Week 1’.
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Concerns about child exploitation can be reported anonymously via Crimestoppers 0800 555111.
There is also a dedicated Essex Police Child Exploitation hotline – for parents, carers and members of the public to seek advice around concerns they may have about their own or other children with regards to criminal and sexual exploitation: 01245 452058.