Issue 1054: 6th September 2024


Welcome Back

I hope you all managed to have a restful summer break and enjoyed the opportunity to spend time with your family and friends.

It was lovely to welcome our pupils and students back to school this week, especially our new Year 7s and Year 12s.  We have all been very impressed with how well they have settled into life at Sweyne Park and do hope that they have enjoyed their first week.

We wish everyone a happy and successful year ahead.


Who to Contact

In order to ensure the most effective levels of communication, please can I remind you of the following email/telephone numbers which should be used for different school related issues.

If you need to report your child absent, please call or email our Attendance Team on 01268 780293 or at

We ask that daily absence be reported as soon as possible and by no later than 8.00am.

For all and any general pupil related matters, including lost property, uniform etc. please contact our team in Pupil Services who will always be happy to assist. Their direct email is

If you have an IT related issue, including any problems regarding login details for ScoPay/Satchel One etc. please contact our IT Team on

For all other queries, please contact our Main Office on the main school number, 01268 784721.

Unless your query is urgent we would be grateful if you would avoid calling at the busiest times of the day, i.e. after 10.00am and before 3.00pm. You call also email general enquiries to

For the benefit of our new parents/carers, please click here to access our Communications Policy.

The Appendices provide useful guidance as to who to contact here at the school for academic, pastoral and any other enquiries.

Open Evening

We are holding our annual Open Evening on Thursday 19th September, from 6.00pm to 8.00pm.

As we have done on previous occasions, in order to allow staff to prepare for the event, school will finish at 12.30pm on that day.

We will welcome all pupils and students back to school at the usual time of 8.35 am on Friday 20th September.

Parking around the School Site

Please can I remind parents and carers to be mindful of our neighbours when dropping off and/or collecting their children from school.

Please do ensure that you park with care and consideration so as to avoid blocking our neighbours’ driveways or causing congestion.  Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation.

Coming Soon

We have a number of events planned for the next few weeks, details of which you will find on the Trips & Events page under the “News & Events” page of our website.

Tuesday 10th September Welcome to Year 7 evening – starting at 6pm
Wednesday 11th September Welcome to Year 12 evening – starting at 6pm
Thursday 12th September Welcome to Year 11 evening – starting at 6pm
Monday 16th September Welcome to Year 10 evening – starting at 6pm
Thursday 19th September Open Evening 6pm – 8.30pm (pupils will finish school at 12.30pm)
Monday 23rd – Tuesday 24th September Year 11 GCSE Geography Field Trip to Walton-on-the-Naze

And Finally…..

Have a lovely weekend.

Bookbuzz books

As a special welcome for our new Year 7 pupils, and to keep that passion for reading going during transition to secondary school, each Year 7 pupil can choose one of these fantastic books to keep forever!

BookBuzz is part of the amazing Booktrust scheme, to find out more about the books and the authors click the link below.

Mrs Waghorn, the Librarian, will be visiting Year 7 tutor groups over the next few days.

To show you some of the available books.

Are You Interested in Training to Become a Teacher?

What do you do when you're not in school?

We would love to hear about your hobbies, interests and achievements...

If you have any stories and/or photos that you would like to share, please contact us at

Join Our Club

East Essex Triathlon Club

Rochford District Youth Council

Rochford Hundred - Girls Rugby

Players Wanted

Contact details and personal preferences:

As you are aware we keep confidential records on our systems with parents/carers contact details, ie. addresses, phone numbers, emergency contacts and email addresses. If you have recently made any changes could you contact Pupil Services on: so we can update our systems please.
We also hold information re your preference for use of pupils’ biometric data and school photos both inside and outside of school. If your preferences have changed, could you make us aware of the change by also emailing Pupil Services.
Thank you in advance.


Next week, the Caterlink menu will be ‘Lunch Week 2’.

Click here to see the menu.